There’s a long narrow closet off of our upstairs hallway. I’m not sure why it exists, but it’s been wasted space since we moved in. There used to be a door on it, but we removed it when we knocked out the attic stairs that were near it to make the upstairs hallway more open…
Author: catastrophicstardust
End of the School Year Start Over!
So, I’ve been a homeschooling mom since 2012. All four kiddos are homeschooled, and I’ve gone through a lot of curriculum changes over the years. For the past several years, we’ve been doing some online classes with Power Homeschool. I know there was controversy over the founder, but it was only $25 per month per…
Signs of Spring
The daffodils and tulips have bloomed. The apple tree is flowering. The sun is shining (between the rain showers because it’s Ohio). That means it’s almost time to clean up the woodburner and “pack it up” until the Fall. Then I hear a flutter. And then our gray cat Tom comes to investigate…. That’s right,…
Summer Starburst
As introverted as I am, I’ve always used my hair as a form of rebellion and expression. I was in the principal’s office more than once in high school for violating the hair dress code, and I graduated with bright pink manic panic hair. A friend we met years ago through another friend is a…
You’re Killing Me Smalls!
A more local to us fandom store (Operation:Fandom) hosted their first convention over the weekend. It was super amazing for a small, rural county to bring in such a crowd. Close to 2500 people came through. Among the guests were a few of the kids (all grown up now) from The Sandlot, celebrating the movie’s…