Things always seem to be busy. I have tons of blog posts I haven’t written. We’ve been doing house renovations, the older two kids started ground school, we’ve had holidays, gone to see real mummies, went to the hills, had our last visit (unless someone breaks something) with the Orthopedic Pediatric Surgeon. There are cars to fix, debt to payoff, Girl Scout cookies to sell, a cat we rescued, vacations to plan, senior photos to plan, grad parties to think about. Life is neverending, until it does end. How crammed it is feels like something we should be able to control more, but as a family of 6, it does seem to spiral a lot.
We got our home gym set up over the weekend. It’s only a trampoline, treadmill, and recumbent bike right now (I do have weights as well). It’s in the garage, surrounded by boxes to sort through, donations to the local community theater, the car in storage, and miscellaneous bits of life. It’s unfinished, so being Winter, it’s pretty cold, but it gives us a dedicated spot out of the way of home life.
It’s use is minimal, since I need to start slow, and not work out on days I work, but it’s a start to carving out time for myself.
The hustle and bustle of keeping on top of a family of 6 leaves little time for much else. I haven’t blogged, or gamed, or written, or created. I simply exist, and squeeze in some mindless TV because I am too exhausted to do anything else.
It’s cliche to start over, or have new beginnings in January, but here we are!